
How To Use Review Post Template On Newspaper 9 Theme For Word Press

Newspaper Theme Review ­­- A Flexible Magazine WordPress Theme with WooCommerce Features

If you build websites for clients or manage several of your own sites, a multipurpose WordPress theme is i of the best investments you can brand. Newspaper is one of the virtually popular multipurpose themes for WordPress, ranked as the number-one bestselling news theme of all time on Themeforest.

Simply these days there are many characteristic-rich multipurpose themes to choose from. So is Newspaper theme worth information technology? And how tin can you decide if it's the best theme for your WordPress site?

In this detailed review of the Newspaper 11 theme, I'll exist taking a deep dive into the features of the theme, exploring how piece of cake it is to install and prepare up, and because how well the theme is suited to different types of sites.

Newspaper Theme Overview

Newspaper 11

Newspaper is a WordPress theme from the team at tagDiv. tagDiv is a Romania-based evolution company that creates websites and apps for commercial clients as well as working on their WordPress themes, Newspaper and Newsmag.

This real-world experience means that they've designed Newspaper with the needs of real business owners, developers, and marketers in mind.

Also, unlike many WordPress development companies that maintain a library of themes, tagDiv develops, updates, and provides support for only two themes. This focus means that they've managed to maintain two themes that work really well rather than dozens of mediocre themes.

The Newspaper theme was offset released in 2013 and the squad updates it regularly. They most recently launched version 11 in June 2021, which comes with some major upgrades and extra features to previous versions.

Paper is a multipurpose theme that was originally designed for blogs, digital magazines, and online news portals. However, its flexibility and the variety of site demos information technology comes with make it suitable for pretty much whatsoever kind of site including online stores, business sites, and portfolios.

The theme is built for speed and functioning with the latest version achieving a 98% score on GTmetrix and 99% on Google page speed, with a page size of just ane.2MB. Obviously, these results will be affected by the type of content yous take on your site, but it's e'er nice to know you're starting off with a sleek and speedy foundation.

Paper also comes with a congenital-in drag-and-drop page builder and access to the tagDiv Cloud Library – a huge drove of pre-built WordPress elements, templates and layouts.

This gives you the power to quickly customize your site to look whatever way you wish, all without needing to write a line of code.

Newspaper is also fully compatible with popular plugins including Jetpack, Yoast, bbpress, and Contact Course vii.

The theme is currently priced at $59 including half-dozen months of support and you tin download information technology from Themeforest.

Newspaper Theme Features

Then permit's have a more than detailed look at some of the features that brand this theme then flexible and powerful.

tagDiv Cloud Library

The tagDiv library is a drove of pre-built layouts, templates, and elements that are prepare for you to use or customize as you wish.

Rather than buying multiple WordPress themes, Newspaper comes with dozens of different designs for your homepage, shop pages, posts, categories, landing pages, and more. You tin also mix and match elements to create your own unique designs and layouts.

All elements and page designs are mobile-friendly and automatically suit when viewed on a small screen.

tagDiv cloud library

One-click Install of Demo Sites

1 of the virtually frustrating things about some WordPress themes is that when you install them, yous detect they look nada like the sample demos.

Newspaper comes with an easy-to-employ installation engine that will load a demo site in a click so yous can be set to go with a professionally designed site right out of the box.

Elevate-and-Drib Visual Folio Builder

Newspaper page builder

Likewise equally the library of set-to-use layouts and elements, Newspaper also comes with tagDiv Composer ­– a front end-end editor that allows you to brand all the customizations you demand or design a folio from scratch without writing whatever code.

The architect is piece of cake to use – simply select the elements you want, elevate them into position, and adapt the styling settings to customize.

Arranged Plugins

In addition to tagDiv Composer and Cloud Library, Paper besides comes with a library of premium plugins to enable you lot to run a feature-rich site. These include:

  • Social counter
  • Newsletter
  • tagDiv shop (additional features for WooCommerce sites)
  • Mobile theme
  • Official AMP for WP – load content upwardly to 5x faster
  • Revolution Slider

Ecommerce Features

Newspaper product page

Paper 11 comes with additional support and features for WooCommerce including a library of new store elements and shortcodes, high-converting product page layouts, production annal templates, product search filtering, and more.

Other Features

Some of the other swell features of the theme include:

  • Infinite coil option
  • Intelligent ad organisation for monetization
  • Image furnishings and blend modes
  • Sticky and pop-upwards video players
  • Dozens of author page templates
  • Premium widgets for paradigm galleries, video players, weather, social media, newsletter, and more than.

Newspaper Site Templates & Demo Sites

Newspaper comes with a wide variety of complete pre-built demo sites for blogs, magazines, shops, and multipurpose sites.

To get an idea of the range of designs you get with Paper, take a expect at a small option of demo sites beneath:

Magazine layout
Misc magazine site
Makeup shop
Makeup shop
Lifestyle blog
Lifestyle blog
scuba diving blog
scuba diving blog (featuring total-screen background video)
food magazine
food mag

Installing Paper WordPress Theme

If y'all're ready to get started with Newspaper eleven, go to ThemeForest to purchase the theme. Once you've completed the payment, you'll find your theme files ready for download in your member surface area.

Y'all have the option to download just the installable WordPress file, or all files and documentation. You can likewise download your license certificate and purchase code separately.

Download Newspaper theme

When y'all're ready to install Newspaper theme, log into your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to Appearance > Themes and click the "Add together New" and "Upload Theme" buttons.

If y'all opted to download simply the installable WordPress file, you can navigate directly to where you downloaded it to and select the Newspaper theme nix file. If y'all downloaded all the files, y'all'll need to extract the zip file you downloaded first. You'll find the Newspaper.zilch file in the root of the extracted folder.

Once yous've selected your theme zip file, click the "Install Now" button to upload and install the theme to your WordPress site.

When you get a bulletin saying the installation is consummate, click the link to activate the theme.

Install Newspaper theme

After you lot've installed Paper, y'all'll be taken to the welcome screen with a prompt to install plugins that the theme needs to piece of work properly. You can practise this simply by clicking the "Install/Activate plugins" push button. If everything goes smoothly, you're all ready. If at that place's an mistake during plugin installation, you'll be directed to instructions for installing the plugins manually.

Welcome to Newspaper theme

In one case all the required plugins are installed you'll have full access to the theme settings. Even so, you still need to register your theme with your Envato code to become full access to documentation, video tutorials, and support, and so make sure y'all exercise this by clicking the "Activate" button.

Register theme

Installing Demo Sites

At this point the theme is installed and ready to go just it won't wait like much if you look at the front terminate. About users will want to starting time by importing 1 of the pre-built demo sites to utilise as is or as a template for customizations.

This is a very simple process. But go to "Prebuilt Websites" in the carte and browse through the library of site designs.

Demo site library

You can opt to install the design only (suitable if your site already has content) or to install both the design and content (best option for brand new sites to see how the theme looks and works for multiple content types.

Once y'all've found a design y'all similar, just hover over it and click the "install" button (make sure y'all toggle the option for content on or off as you wish.) Yous tin as well preview the designs in full-screen before you install them.

Some demo sites require additional plugins (like WooCommerce) which y'all must install before you can install the demo site.

Theme Panel

You can access almost of the theme settings and make customizations in the theme console.

Theme settings panel

The settings y'all find hither include:


  • Choose a header template from the cloud library
  • Ready logo & favicon
  • Show/disable login link
  • Upload bookmarklet icons for iOS and Android


  • Choose a footer template from the cloud library


  • Insert advertisement codes for multiple locations on your site

Template Settings

  • Enable/disable smart sidebar
  • Add a to-elevation push button
  • Enable/disable lazy load
  • Choose templates for standard pages including 404, annal, writer, blog post etc.


  • Choose a template for categories
  • Choose colors and style settings for category tags

Post Settings

  • Choose post template
  • Set social media share links
  • Enable/disable view count
  • Set position and features of videos

Misc Settings

  • Block template & settings
  • Background image & settings
  • Gear up extract blazon & length
  • Actuate translations in the languages you choose
  • Change theme colors
  • Alter theme fonts
  • Add together custom CSS, Javascript, & HTML
  • Add analytics code
  • Configure social accounts
  • Add custom post types and taxonomies
  • Import or export your site

tagDiv Composer

Newspaper comes with a premium folio architect plugin that you can use to customize the design and layout of your site.

To admission the page architect, simply view your site from the forepart end while you're logged into WordPress.

You'll see some new options in the WordPress admin carte including a alive CSS editor, a mobile preview, and the primary "edit" link, which opens the composer.

tagDiv composer

I found the page architect pretty slow to load on my website just once it loaded information technology ran smoothly and was intuitive to apply.

You lot tin customize any chemical element on your site by simply clicking on it. And so change styling settings, drag information technology to a new location, and add together custom CSS if you lot wish.

You can easily add new elements from a visual carte du jour, which lists them ordered by category. While the number of elements could easily go overwhelming, I found this organization and graphical representation of what each element looks like to exist very piece of cake to use.

There'southward pretty much every chemical element you could ever want to add, including some quite obscure ones like a COVID-nineteen statistics counter. You can likewise search for elements to find what you demand quickly.

When you've found the element yous desire, you simply drag it into place and customize to your liking.

You tin can besides access the cloud library directly from the composer and import whole page layouts and page sections, which is a real time saver.

One time you're washed editing, just salvage your changes to brand them live. In that location'south likewise a back push button in instance you brand whatsoever mistakes.

Support & Documentation for Newspaper Theme

In one case your purchase Newspaper theme, you lot'll have 6 months of admission to direct support from the developers. Y'all tin can also extend this back up period if you wish.

You can contact back up directly via e-mail or apply the extensive documentation including tutorials, tips, and video guides to help you piece of work with the theme. tagDiv also maintains a community back up forum to access official and unofficial help and back up.

Determination – Is Newspaper Theme a Skillful Option for Your WordPress Site?

Paper chop-chop became ane of the nearly pop themes in Themeforest later its launch and regular updates and new features take meant information technology'due south held its identify. This is quite impressive when there are then many multipurpose themes to choose from these days.

Newspaper is certainly a great selection if you're running a blog or general magazine or news site. While the templates for other types of business sites may be express compared to some other themes, in that location is plenty of telescopic for customization by calculation your ain images and changing fonts, colors, and general styling.

Go Started with Newspaper Theme

The most exciting characteristic of Newspaper 11 is the addition of the WooCommerce features. This makes Paper a definite contender for eCommerce sites and certainly gives it an border over other multipurpose themes that don't offer specific store elements and templates.

In conclusion, Paper is a solid option for whatever website. Information technology's certainly a flexible option with impressive load times, and it's not bad value for money if y'all're building or managing several dissimilar types of sites.

Nevertheless, one matter to keep in heed is that the theme works best with the tagDiv Composer page builder. While this is an easy-to-use and flexible tool, it may non be the best selection for you if you prefer to work in Gutenberg or a dissimilar page builder.

How To Use Review Post Template On Newspaper 9 Theme For Word Press,


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