
Ib Mathematics Standard Level Answers

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can take many forms (diarrhoea, constipation or both) and every one has different triggers, be it certain food, stress or surroundings. It's up to the individual to learn how their IBS works and adjust their lives around it, which can be done through a food/mood diary, by process of elimination or FODMAP diet.

However, there are some rules and guidelines that all IBS sufferers should take into account.

We spoke to NetDoctors's Dr Anand Patel about what IBS sufferers should never do...

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MORE: 9 ways to ease IBS

1. Never ignore...
Bleeding, unexpected or persistent weight loss, loss of appetite or changes in your usual bowel habit for more than six weeks. These symptoms could indicate more serious diseases. Don't blame everything on your IBS.

2. Don't just think about yourself
If you have a family history of bowel cancer under 50 years old, you need to keep this at the forefront of your mind. Symptoms of IBS can sometimes be similar. Women should also be more aware of worsening bloating - this might indicate that they need an ovarian cancer test. It's the changes in already established diagnoses that are of importance.

3. Don't insist on a colonoscopy
We don't recommend a colonoscopy for most IBS patients as they are unnecessary - unless they have red flag symptoms mentioned above.

MORE: 14 things you know if you have IBS

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4. Don't cut out wheat
Unless you know you have coeliac disease, avoid cutting out wheat as a potential IBS trigger because we can't perform a blood test if you're not eating it.

5. Don't eat too much fibre
If your IBS is diarrhoea predominant, you need to find your tipping point where too much fibre will set IBS off. In constipation-predominant IBS, however, more fibre is usually helpful.

6. Don't rely on medication
Peppermint oil and tea are both great for easing bloating and wind, and have virtually no side effects.

MORE: 6 natural ways to beat IBS

7. Don't stop the process of elimination too soon
When eliminating certain foods to see if they have an effect on your IBS, don't give up too soon - your gut takes a while to adapt, so persist for at least three months. The same is true for taking bacterial 'replacement' pills to see if they regulate your bowel better - the three-month rule also applies.

8. Don't only focus on food
Stress is a key trigger for many people with IBS - it's the fight or flight reaction where your body attempts to rid itself of any excess weight and prepares to react. Learning to manage stress with mindfulness, CBT or guided meditation could have a positive effect on your bowel movements. If you suffer more seriously from anxiety or depression, then consult your GP.

9. Don't have a colonic irrigation
There is no evidence that colonic irrigation is beneficial and we do not recommend it, as it rids the colon of its natural bacteria.

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MORE: Does colonic irrigation help IBS?

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Ib Mathematics Standard Level Answers


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